Worthing Businesses

A selection of local business

We’ve listed below a selection of local businesses offering a range of services in and around the Worthing area.

The sites listed are provided as a useful resource to our customers. Please do note that we cannot take any responsibility or provide any guarantees for the accuracy of the content featured on these third-party websites.

My mum was so excited, as were her friends!.. The driver was smart, courteous and friendly.. the limo was superb, clean, tidy, and above all expectations.

Lisa, Goring, West Sussex,

Thank you so so much for the limo tonight, it was brilliant and the driver was lovely! I shall definitely be recommending and using you in the future!

Emma, East Preston, West Sussex,

Would like to say what a fantastic service you gave to us to make our evening special. Tim the driver was so on the ball, polite, such a nice bloke wow really a great evening was had. We’ll certainly use you again!

Gillian, Goring, West Sussex,

Covering Sussex & the South East
Worthing | Brighton & Hove | Chichester | Lancing | Littlehampton | Crawley | Uckfield | Horsham | Guildford